Top 5 Television Show "Killers" and "Keepers"
*Note: So this is an article I published on a now-defunct blog a few years ago... so some of the assertions on specific shows may be a bit dated, but the principles still stand! There's a lot that goes into a show. Some of it is fantastic and makes your eyes light up every time someone mentions the title. Some of it is regrettable and makes you grimace when someone mentions it. Sometimes, a show just takes a while to "get its feet under it," so to speak. Sometimes a show starts out strong and then fails so hard you are left wondering, "What did I ever see in this show?" Some shows are fascinating from the outset; other shows, you couldn't care less about the characters and the outcome. So what makes the difference? What is it about shows that make you roll your eyes and cringe? What do your favorite shows get right that keep you so attached to every level of the story arc? Here are at least five key features of each sort... at least, as fa...