About The Writers


Welcome to the officially unofficial NerDemption Blog! We are your hosts, Leslie and Jessica, and we are really glad you're here!

What is NerDemption? The term was coined by Leslie while chatting with a friend about what a bummer that so many cool and catchy pop songs could not be enjoyed by all ages because of inappropriate lyrics. In developing a series of nerd-themed parodies of some of these songs (some for the inappropriateness, some just for the fun of it), Leslie mentioned that these songs underwent a "nerd redemption", or.... Nerd-Demption!

On this blog, we will endeavor to service our fandoms with reviews, commentary, articles, and parodies with a distinct moral tone, designed to be enjoyed by nerds of all ages! Comment, share and subscribe for quality fandom goodness!

The Writers

Leslie--[Brief Bio Coming Soon]

Hi! I'm Jessica, but most people just call me Jess. Or Fluff. Apparently I remind one of Judy Hopps. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm not that short, nor are my eyes purple, (actually one is green and the other is brown) nor is my fur grey. However, I do have a pretty bubbly personality and although I'm not a morning person, I get most my energy as the day progresses.

I am addicted to chocolate, (I dabble in making it too) TV and reading. To that end, my speciality for this blog will be Top Ten Lists on fandoms, TV Series Reviews (trust me, my taste is weird, there won't be just the normal SuperWhoLock though that will make an appearance too) Book Reviews, perhaps some of my own shameless self-promotion with my writing/fanfics (though you can just come over to my own blog: From A Land Far Far Away where stuff like books and my fanfics will be discussed.)

To name a few of my fandoms:
Doctor Who (however, I'm insanely behind with this)
Supernatural (ditto)
Psych (still crying over how quickly my bingewatching was over with this. To quote Leslie "EIGHT SEASONS OF PURE GOLD" to which I heartily concurred. Also, THEY. ARE. MAKING. A. MOVIE. WITH. FLYNN. RIDER. AS. THE. BADDIE. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.)
Speaking of Flynn; Disney
Star Trek
Merlin (too many tears were shed over this one. NO REGRETS though.)
Warehouse 13
Harry Potter 
Johnny Depp (he's his own fandom, I swear!)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (**endless squeeing over the adorableness of Newt Scamander/Eddie Redmayne**)
And basically any chick flick without too much hanky panky.

So, sit back, relax and enjoy while I write my thoughts and opinions about these (and indeed other) fandoms.

Jess out.



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